


# 服务政策及规则
# 我应该如何开始直播?
# 如何上传/使用图库
# 我无法使用IE,Safari,Edge查看直播
# 工作人员列表
# 如何向我的Discord服务器自动发送开播公告?
# 聊天室指令列表
# 聊天室中的前缀图标
# OBS/Xsplit聊天室地址
# 未格式化的API端点(专家向,仅在有这方面的专业知识)

# 服务政策及规则


All rules always apply, even if they haven't been translated yet!

  1. 如果您不清楚我们是否允许某些内容,请勿直播/播放/发布:赤裸裸的真实儿童,对现实儿童的挑逗和猥亵,性虐待的真实儿童色情,最后请咨询POMF管理人员(人员列表) . 违反此规则将帐号永久封禁或对您单独站内信警告
  2. 您至少需要年满18岁才能在本网站上观看或进行直播,如果我们发现您未成年,您将被禁止访问
  3. 请勿在直播中展示现实生活中的血腥/谋杀,这意味着请勿直播/播放/发布有关于自残,杀人,死人等等(包括但不限于这些),这个网站不适合这些东西
  4. All content sexualizing real, individual children is prohibited, including video/photo edits, streams that encourage the sharing of media containing children, as well as glorifying or discussing experiences of real child abuse/pornography/modeling.
    In general, streaming videos of children for the sake of streaming videos of children is considered sexualization.
    Note: This rule does not prohibit streaming movies with child actors, just make sure they're not naked or skimpily dressed. If you're streaming a movie and your viewers start sexualizing the child actors, stop them and delete the messages. Failure to do so will result in your stream being shut down.
  5. Sharing account information to share illegal materials off-site will result in a permanent ban.
    The following chat services will result in a immediate ban upon sending an ID of that service. Session, Tox and Wickr (More can be added later)
  6. Don't upload photos/gifs of real children anywhere on Pomf, including (but not limited to) stream images, avatars, profile images or the helpdesk.
  7. Online games like VRChat: Avoid lewd behavior in public servers. Notify others if streaming, or use a clear indicator. Verify participants are adults before any mature actions, preferably in private channels or worlds
  8. 逼真的AI作品(那些可能被误认为是真实的作品)禁止对儿童进行色情化(即使所有人都知道画面中并不是真实的人).如果管理员无法进行辨别,一律按真实儿童色情处理
    ^ 在极少数情况下,这也适用于儿童的3D渲染和裁剪后图片
  9. To be allowed to stream 24 hours you must have -something- going on, be it a movie or series or game. if you stream basically nothing (for example streaming while asleep and nothing going on, just a still image) it'd be considered a waste of data and be locked out of streaming until you wake up / return
  10. Gallery specific: Do not upload any real images, this gallery is for 2D/3D art, not for real life images pornographic or not.
  11. 请勿将真实儿童与擦边球的色情内容一起播放
  12. 不要上传真实儿童的照片/GIF作为个人首页图片和在线图片或离线图片
  13. 图库专用:请勿上传现实照片,即使色情与否,此图库仅用于2D/3D艺术



# 我应该如何开始直播?

For OBS you need to click on the Settings button and go to the Stream tab and set the RTMP url to one of those below, please pick the one that works best for you.

欧盟1 RTMP URL "rtmp://eu1.pomf.tv/live?/"
美国1 - 拉斯维加斯 RTMP URL "rtmp://us1.pomf.tv/live?/"
美国2 - 纽约 RTMP URL "rtmp://us2.pomf.tv/live?/"
US3 - Miami RTMP URL "rtmp://us3.pomf.tv/live?/"
亚洲1 - 日本 RTMP URL "rtmp://asia1.pomf.tv/live?/"
亚洲2 - 新加坡 RTMP URL "rtmp://asia2.pomf.tv/live?/"

Stream Key/Name "Guest_DZhpJa5" which is your username.

In the Output Tab set the settings you wish, You should start at 500 bitrate and increase it but you'd have to test this to see if your internet connection can handle it.

# 我无法使用IE,Safari,Edge查看直播


# 如何上传/使用图库

# 工作人员列表

# 如何向我的Discord服务器自动发送开播公告?


在服务器中,单击左侧所有房间上方最顶部的服务器名称,然后选择“服务器设置” 在左侧选择“Webhooks”并单击“新建Webhook” 在“名称”框中设置机器人的名称,例如“Pomf Announcer”,从“频道”下的下拉菜单中选择您希望机器人发布的频道,Webhook图标是它的头像 在你完成全部设置后,点击“Webhook地址”旁边的“复制” 现在返回Pomf.TV 单击右上角的用户名/头像,然后选择“直播设置” 向下滚动并将地址粘贴到“Discord Webhook”下,然后单击“提交”

# 聊天室指令列表


User roles can be set on the "Stream - User" settings page
  • /clear - Clears the screen.
  • /mod [target] - Grants moderation powers.
  • /unmod [target] - Removes moderation powers.

Streamer & Moderator

  • /ban [target] - Bans a user.
  • /unban [target] - Unbans a user.
  • /kick [target] - Kicks the user.
  • /mute [target] - Mutes the user, they will be unable to use chat.
  • /unmute [target] - Unmuted the user.
  • /raid [streamer] - Raid streamer after 20 seconds. Only works for online streams.
  • /sticky - Set a sticky MotD message for the stream.


  • /ignore [target] - Ignore the user.
  • /unignore [target] - Removes the user from your ignore list.
  • /tableflip - Flips a table.
  • /unflip - Puts the table back where it belongs.
  • /shrug - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • /roll [number] - Roll a die between 1 and the number you specified. If empty, it chooses 100. The result will be shown to everyone in chat.


  • /clip - Saves a clip of the last minute of the stream. Streamers can change their clip permissions on their settings page.

# 聊天室中的前缀图标


# OBS/Xsplit聊天室地址


# 未格式化的API端点(专家向,仅在有这方面的专业知识)