Allow notifications from pomf to get notified when a followed stream starts.
Here you can find information on how to stream and how to configure the common programs such as Xsplit and OBS.
For OBS you need to click on the Settings button and go to the Stream tab and set the RTMP url to one of those below, please pick the one that works best for you.
EU1 RTMP URL "rtmp://
EU2 RTMP URL "rtmp://
US1 - Las Vegas RTMP URL "rtmp://
US2 - New York RTMP URL "rtmp://
US3 - Miami RTMP URL "rtmp://
Asia1 - Japan RTMP URL "rtmp://
Asia2 - Singapore RTMP URL "rtmp://
Stream Key/Name "Guest_7GGh598
" which is your username.
In the Output Tab set the settings you wish, You should start at 500 bitrate and increase it but you'd have to test this to see if your internet connection can handle it.