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pomf.tv kan innehålla avbildningar av minderåriga karaktärer. Vänligen läs din lokala lagstiftning innan du går in på eller använder webbsidan.
Genom att klicka på "Jag samtycker" bekräftar du att du är över 18 och att webbsidan inte kan hållas ansvarig om du ljuger och inte har fyllt 18 än.
Well, your not so average dude with disabilities. I care about everyone. And yes, this includes the LGB community, the T community, the name it community. The world over will hate and despise us. But I NEVER will. There is enough hate in the world. Know who is guilty? 24 hour Main Stream Media. Both sides. Just a friendly tip... If using Apple, VPN, Advance Data Protection, and "Access iCloud Data on the Web" switched off. And Bitdefender Anti Virus, and their Anti-Tracking assistance. Best we can do. "Not sponsored", but NordVPN seems the best. Lets Keep POMF alive by not doing anything illegal. With great freedom, comes great responsibility. If you decide to follow, Thank You Very Much. Love you Taiga. Hang in there.
I pray all of you seek, find, and accept the gift of salvation through the only way; Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In Christ's name Amen. If you have questions, I'm here to answer, but I ask you, please be respectful. Thank you.