

  1. You must be 18 years of age or older to stream or view content on this website. No exceptions.

  2. All content sexualizing real, individual children is prohibited. This rule includes:
    2.1 Video/photo edits
    2.2 Streams that encourage the sharing of media containing children
    2.3 Glorifying or discussion of real child abuse, pornography, or modeling.
  3. Streamed content:
    3.1 You may not broadcast real life gore content, self-harm, or dead individuals of any type.
    3.2 Content featuring child actors, for instance a movie or TV show, is permitted as long as the children are not scantily clothed or naked.
    3.3 The broadcaster, or a stream-moderator the broadcaster has designated, must be present at all times. If this is not possible, your chat must be in emote only mode.
    3.4 Regarding online games such as VRChat and Second Life: Avoid lewd content in public regions where the age of participants cannot be verified. It is preferable that lewd content be in controlled, non-public, sections.
    3.5 When streaming a movie containing children and your viewers start sexualizing the child actors, stop them and delete the messages. If you're unable to get your chat to behave you need to stop streaming such content. Failure to do so will result in your stream being shut down.
    3.6 Showing real life pornography is allowed as long as you can prove that people in it are 18+ and have agreed to be in said porno if you cannot provide this information please do not stream this. Streaming yourself masturbating / naked also requires you to have done a ID check with one of the website admins by sending a picture of your ID with everything blurred out except the date of birth, with your pomf profile in the image as well as a handwritten phrase the moderator you are verifying with has specified within the same image, along with the current date and time in UTC.
    This information will be destroyed after the check and a note will be added to your profile by the admin.
    3.7 Streaming children just for the sake of streaming children is prohibited.
  4. Long duration streams:
    4.1 If you wish to broadcast content for extended periods of time, you must have some type of actual content being broadcast at all times, not just a static image.
    4.2 When streaming multiple days at once VoD generation might be disabled for your account this is to prevent issues with VoD generation for others and from the cache disk filling up. And honestly no one is going to watch a multi-day VoD.
  5. Content anywhere on the website:
    5.1 Images of real children may not be posted ANYWHERE on the website. This includes profile pictures, stream page assets, the gallery, channel emotes, and the help desk.
    5.2 Sharing or solicitation of contact information (IDs) for Session, Tox, or Wickr is forbidden, as this is considered sharing illicit materials. Other platforms may be subject to this rule, at moderator’s discression.
  6. Special notice regarding generated content (AI):
    6.1 Content that can easily be mistaken for a real child, even if not real (for instance, an AI generated image), is prohibited. This rule may also apply to 3D or dolls.
  7. Gallery content:
    7.1 Absolutely no photographs are permitted, pornographic or otherwise. The gallery is for 2d/3d art.
  8. Special context:
    8.1 Clipping (/clip in chat) is permitted as long as only small sections of the broadcast is clipped. Misuse of this feature may result in it being disabled.

  9. 如果您不清楚我们是否允许某些内容,请勿直播/播放/发布:赤裸裸的真实儿童,对现实儿童的挑逗和猥亵,性虐待的真实儿童色情,最后请咨询POMF管理人员(人员列表) . 违反此规则将帐号永久封禁或对您单独站内信警告
  10. 您至少需要年满18岁才能在本网站上观看或进行直播,如果我们发现您未成年,您将被禁止访问
  11. 请勿在直播中展示现实生活中的血腥/谋杀,这意味着请勿直播/播放/发布有关于自残,杀人,死人等等(包括但不限于这些),这个网站不适合这些东西
  12. 请勿将真实儿童与擦边球的色情内容一起播放
  13. 不要上传真实儿童的照片/GIF作为个人首页图片和在线图片或离线图片
  14. 逼真的AI作品(那些可能被误认为是真实的作品)禁止对儿童进行色情化(即使所有人都知道画面中并不是真实的人).如果管理员无法进行辨别,一律按真实儿童色情处理
    ^ 在极少数情况下,这也适用于儿童的3D渲染和裁剪后图片
  15. 图库专用:请勿上传现实照片,即使色情与否,此图库仅用于2D/3D艺术



- 1st time: warning
- 2nd time: 1 day ban
- 3rd time: 7 day ban
- 4th time: permanent

Of course, streaming child porn is an instantaneous permanent ban. Or if its something really bad, it is also a permanent ban.
Depending on the offense, we may also choose to issue a second warning or no warning at all, depending on the severity of the offense.