Allow notifications from pomf to get notified when a followed stream starts.

Global message history

2023-10-30 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Stream mods got bugged, please hold we'll fix it asap :D
2023-10-30 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Site updated, Feature to see bans/stream moderators has FINALLY been added; Only took a few years...
2023-10-30 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - or restarts now~
2023-10-30 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - small site update, shit may crash/act funny please hold chat restart in 10ish minutes :)
2023-10-22 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Clip settings have been added, you can disable or set who can use it. View page and management of clips will be added soon
2023-10-22 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - All deleted 'unhidden' VoDs have been restored as hidden for now, I found out why it was bugged please unhide if you want to keep, the bug with the VoDs deleting the unhidden instead of hidden has been fixed. :chensmile:
2023-10-21 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Clips are working again ^^
2023-10-21 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Clipping*
2023-10-21 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Clipipng is temporarily broken while I'm working on it :)
2023-10-20 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - new feature added for testing, /clip creates a 1 minute clip this is the first version of this to be added and will receive updates as it goes and a clips page on the site. This command can only be used by Streamers, Stream Moderators and Site Admins for now.
2023-10-19 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Totter - The Bot-"feature" was a mistake by some of the pomf-devs (yes we have those :P) but is fixed already, so anyone who still has that bot-icon, please refresh to not become consumed by the AI completley (jk), when Iratu returns he most likely will reset chat for a server-wide refresh.
2023-10-16 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - obviously the gallery that was injecting has been deleted so far this hack was done by someone doing injection testing on pomf for a while now, they've reported every hole they found so far.
2023-10-16 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Hello, I know there is some confusion & worry about the recent "hack" of pomf, nothing was stolen someone attempted session hijacking this worked only for certain parts of the site due to a XSS injection of the gallery, for now I've deactivated the upload to the gallery so I can release a fix after work.
2023-10-05 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Please send me some information about US based server hosts the current host just isn't stable enough
2023-10-03 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - You all lost the game. ~Nyaaa
2023-09-29 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - everyone*
2023-09-29 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Seems not everyone noticed this change, there is now a /sticky feature, /commands has been updated to show the new commands
2023-09-24 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Image updates every minute :)
2023-09-24 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - shows server statistics now. You can now see how much the servers are being abused.
2023-09-21 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Rule4 - change/rewrite: All content sexualizing real, individual children is prohibited, including video/photo edits, streams that encourage sharing media of children, as well as glorifying or discussing experience with real child abuse / pornography / modelling. <br>In general, streaming videos of children for the sake of streaming videos of children will be considered sexualization. <br>Note: this does not include showing movies where the main actors are children, just make sure they're not naked/skimpy dressed. In the event you're streaming a movie and your viewers are starting to go crazy and sexualize the children in that movie please warn them and delete the message, failure to do so might result in your stream being shut down.

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