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Global message history

2023-12-25 (8 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Dms have been disabled for now, I ran out of time for this afternoon and will continue trying to fix it later this evening.
2023-12-25 (8 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Working on that crashing issue, not sure what is causing it yet, please don't yell at me :P
2023-12-25 (8 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - on that note, Merry Christmas :)
2023-12-25 (8 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Chat has been fixed for now with a bandaid, permanent fix will be more difficult to add so that will be done after christmas 'n stuff
2023-12-25 (8 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Chat still crashing still trying to figure it out why it suddenly started doing this.
2023-12-24 (8 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - not sure why chat is dying, looking into it now~
2023-12-19 (8 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - To those that don't know, 91 1 minute clips basically 1 hour and 31 minute of clips.
2023-12-19 (8 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - 91 clips for a 2 hour stream is excessive.
2023-12-19 (8 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Reminder /clip is for short clips not to clip an entire stream - Be warned not to overdo it or I'll have to create a rule about it or limit the system to certain amount of clips per user/stream.
2023-12-14 (9 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Happy Pomf Birthday~ Due to me being sick for a bit 'n other life related things there won't be anything special today but I hope you will all keep supporting pomf and me into making this website even better! :chenheart:
2023-11-26 (9 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - You can now spend Pomf Points to get more gallery slots check the store now :)
2023-11-16 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Warning to Eeveefan and his viewers/fans/friends. as well as Aurawing and his viewers/fans/friends If we receive one more report from either of you to ban/kick the other we're kicking both permanently. I'm tired of this crap its been going on for more than a year now. ONE more report about this childish behavior and both are gone.
2023-11-10 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - US3 is working again some weird fuckery made it stop directing traffic to the main encoding server
2023-11-04 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Chat server restarting to fix some small issues :)
2023-11-04 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Authentication has been fixed :)
2023-11-04 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Seems something broke the Stream authentication checking it now, for now it is possible to just stream if you're showing as offline give me a poke in my DMS (Iratu)
2023-11-04 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - eh I'll force the refresh
2023-11-04 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - refresh, chat frigging crashed and caused this
2023-11-01 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Next update will break chat for bots, please contact me for info on where to test the update before I release it saturday :)
2023-10-30 (10 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Stream Mods fixed, might need to refresh (the stream mods) to re-appear as a mod

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