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- Discord Server?
It's inside the game itself, in the About section.
- Where I can download and support The Lewdest House?
You can download the most recent and official update here and you can support the project here.
- What and when do you stream?
Only drawings: doodles, full illustrations, and sprites for the game! I draw mostly western cartoons and styles, trying to avoid "anime style".
For now I don't have a fixed schedule like "every Saturday at 14:00" or so, nope, for now :/
- What are your current projects?
I have all my works and projects listed and updated daily there: https://trello.com/b/5VzekR9G/comisiones 🌎
- What are your PC / Tablet specs?
16 GB ram, Gforce 1030, and Windows 10 - Drawing tablet is an XP-pen 16.5
- Where I can contact you?
Pixiv, Newgrounds, Baraag, Twitter, even email, but I prefer Discord: dmfalt