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The world isn't fair... I do everything people ask me to.
I stand in the lunch lines for them,
I buy tampons at the store for them,
I go on Maury Povich with balls on my chin for them...
And yet nobody accepts me.
I am an outcast - a shadow of a man who can find no companionship.
no love from others.
Fine! If I am to be an outcast, so be it.
I'm through doing what others tell me to do, and I am sick of this world and the stinky people in it.
From now on, I will dedicate my life to bringing chaos to the world that has dejected me!
I will become the greatest super villain the world has ever seen!
Where I go, destruction will follow!
Prepare, oh little town.
Prepare for the greatest super villain you have ever seen - PROFESSOR CHAOS!
Just kidding.
Who's the boy that can laugh at a storm cloud?
Who can turn a frown into a smile for free?
Who's the kid with a heart full of magic?
Everyone knows it's Butters.
That's me!