Yuricon's Chat
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12 hours ago

Grob: learned word of power: Bau
12 hours ago

stfualmf: oh dang did you turn into a magical girl?
12 hours ago

ZomGhoul: wah wah waaaaaaaaah
12 hours ago

Grob: man had a cute loli in his bed and did NOTHING, he is broken
12 hours ago

Grob: awww, now he has to clean that.
12 hours ago

ZomGhoul: ma floor :chenyawn:
12 hours ago

Grob: props on him for touting the store in this situation
12 hours ago

ZomGhoul: forever the saleman lol
12 hours ago

Grob: her ass is TWICE the width of her torso...
12 hours ago

Grob: what happened to the rabbit-hat
12 hours ago

Grob: who even needs weapons, that pose will scare off all the enemies
11 hours ago

ZomGhoul: scar them with a level of uwu they cant comprehend
11 hours ago

Grob: I cast: summon ballista!
11 hours ago

ZomGhoul: cute but I still prefer my lolis in a box
11 hours ago

Grob: 90% of the GPU is being used to process all those tree leaves, the rest is jiggling the ass.
11 hours ago

ZomGhoul: have ass must jiggle
11 hours ago

Grob: well now you get rat-raped
11 hours ago

darkness1313666999: is this Skyrim
11 hours ago

Baddad: Anyone explain why when screen is dragged down another image shows?
11 hours ago

Esrafell: Screen dragged down? I don't know what you mean
11 hours ago

Baddad: Guess it’s just refreshing.
11 hours ago

dontknow: what kind of run will you do this time yuri
11 hours ago

druaga: :Yuriconfoxy-fast::Yuriconfoxy-fast:
10 hours ago

Yuricon: :Yuricontamamo-fast::Yuricontamamo-fast:
10 hours ago

Grob: I dont know if you've played fallout 4 recently, but the 14 gb update means basically every mod is borked
10 hours ago

Grob: you are the storm that is approaching...
10 hours ago

Grob: she looks like shes thinking, but there are no thoughts. head empty.
10 hours ago

andy8272: oh gosh suck beautiful ass
10 hours ago

Yuricon: My sleeeeeeeeep time
10 hours ago

Grob: ah, it has been a while hasnt it?
10 hours ago

andy8272: :Yuriconcunni::Yuriconspank:
10 hours ago

Yuricon: :Yuriconhoshinosleepwell:
10 hours ago

Yuricon: :Yuriconhoshinoangry::Yuriconsenseibully::Yuriconsenseibully:
10 hours ago

Yuricon: Thx 4 watching cya bubbai
10 hours ago

Yuricon: :Yuricondognod::Yuricondognod::Yuricondognod::Yuricondognod:
just now

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