WasabiIceCream's Chat
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2 months ago

Esrafell: Way faster than mine
2 months ago

Esrafell: Our specs seem to be pretty similar
2 months ago

Syphenia: i'd be actively modding myself still if beth would just STOP BREAKING MODS
2 months ago

Esrafell: yeah I was failing prostitution a lot from struggling to nav the menu
2 months ago

Syphenia: ostim fade option i think
2 months ago

Syphenia: ostim has a fade to black option i believe to "hide" the teleports and such
2 months ago

Esrafell: Imma think of like 20 soon as you end stream
2 months ago

Karhu: in early versions you could edit NPCs
2 months ago

Esrafell: Fair enough, Your DMs are closed frs
2 months ago

Esrafell: But I understand that may be deliberate
2 months ago

WasabiIceCream: https://allthefallen.moe/forum/index.php?threads/16062/
2 months ago

Syphenia: that shit be bugg af
2 months ago

Syphenia: PLAYING skyrim? blasphemous
2 months ago

Esrafell: Me when char creation
2 months ago

Esrafell: Awww. Most that was me
2 months ago

derk556: just wait they patch it again :P
2 months ago

Syphenia: starfield was zzzzzzzzzz
2 months ago

Syphenia: elfpire the only one doing skyrim atm
2 months ago

Esrafell: We've traded with each other
2 months ago

Esrafell: (slsh)raid TheLoliElfpire
2 months ago

Esrafell: I will always be and others
1 week ago

GLOBAL - soggymaster: Hello folks, we would like to remind you that when you ban a user from your channel, to please use /ban username reason in your chat instead of simply right clicking the user in chat and selecting 'ban'.  Thank you
1 week ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: Heya Froggers, There have been some changes to the rules. There are more changes coming soon, please read them and pay attention to the added rules 5 and 7.
1 week ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: since people don't know where to find the rules (:chenderp: ) pomf.tv/help#rules
1 hour ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: <style type="text/css" scoped>p.GeneratedText {color:#000000;background-color:#CCFFFF;}</style><p class="GeneratedText"> To be allowed to stream 24 hours you must have -something- going on, be it a movie or series or game. if you stream basically nothing (for example streaming while asleep and nothing going on, just a still image) it'd be considered a waste of data and be locked out of streaming until you wake up / return</p>
39 minutes ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: <p class="GeneratedText">In the Event of VoDs not showing up on your VOD page please give me a poke in my DMs, trying to fix this issue but its difficult to catch.</p>
just now

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