uiowebae's Chat
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6 days ago

UselessBoi: there is a twitter of theirs--- but i dont have link to it. so its not in dev hell, so far
6 days ago

UselessBoi: but does seem to be slow, caused by one dev i guess
6 days ago

Abysteus: I like slow games, but must be immersive.
6 days ago

UselessBoi: only have 2 links to vids from said twitter https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1774068021541384192/pu/vid/avc1/950x720/KBlQb0C2M4K8Y52O.mp4
6 days ago

UselessBoi: showcase of sounds and then of weapons
6 days ago

UselessBoi: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1768993907730460672/pu/vid/avc1/950x720/E_RS43uTA7nHlIoM.mp4
6 days ago

Abysteus: I like the vibe, reminds me of Amnesia game. Game loop and a sense of progression is everything.
6 days ago

UselessBoi: kinda shame my pc cant run the bunker, i feel id want to play it
6 days ago

UselessBoi: i also liked the machine for pigs but yeeeeh, is problematic as a game, but god i love to relisten to ending dialogue once in a while
6 days ago

UselessBoi: but alas cant find it in me to play the normal amnesia. i know its spooky and i handle these quite bad
6 days ago

UselessBoi: like hell, i cant handle any spooky mods for Thief games and Dark mod
6 days ago

UselessBoi: i just enter the levels, see how spooky the mansions look and i decide that my character dosnt get paid enough to handle angry ghosts that wait to ugabooga me
6 days ago

Abysteus: You don't like spooky?
6 days ago

UselessBoi: i like and i dont like\
6 days ago

UselessBoi: i mostly hate jumpscares
6 days ago

UselessBoi: and when im let known that there gonna be jumpscares
6 days ago

UselessBoi: these hurt my heart
6 days ago

UselessBoi: i like the good spooks that are earned
6 days ago

UselessBoi: sudden noises just hurt me more than anything
6 days ago

Abysteus: You are actually scared of them or you don't like it because it's petty low quality?
6 days ago

UselessBoi: if you want to call it scared then yeh. its like how i dont like loud noises in general, mostly sudden, i feel discomfort
6 days ago

UselessBoi: is like how i have phobia of insects eyes. its not piss my pants fear at this point but if im shown insects id rather look at anything else
6 days ago

UselessBoi: :wat::efink:fire on the horrizon, sulfur in the air... the raid is at the door...
6 days ago

UselessBoi: :ooo: did i missed them or
6 days ago

UselessBoi: was busy trying to help out someone to understand how to play hat in time with naked models and my accessories
6 days ago

UselessBoi: eh, just happened to be around as i see some guy having no idea how to use these
6 days ago

UselessBoi: as i was just recently making a post that ill make final update somewhere in future and drop hat in time modding
6 days ago

UselessBoi: since i cant really add much more, cant really hold whole thing on myself alone
6 days ago

UselessBoi: :cirnonoticed: maybe i should change my nickname on atf at this point from my throwaway edgy one... but no idea what
6 days ago

UselessBoi: aint so easy cause can be traced with my darkest dungeon mod
6 days ago

UselessBoi: as the original creator of mod i was changing didnt really wanted me to post it, but i had to share it alteast somewhere
6 days ago

UselessBoi: and that guy can be fucking ruthless :wat:
6 days ago

UselessBoi: think it took 4 years before he gave up on banning variatino of his character without big boobs in workshop
6 days ago

UselessBoi: @Abysteus  AND I MEAN BIG https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1289815222
6 days ago

Abysteus: I'm not a Bazonkas dude.
6 days ago

UselessBoi: many others also werent fans of big boobs, so they wanted to have skins with smaller chest. but guy was copyright striking all of em.  so yeh, posting on atf felt like most safe option Dx but still rather not leave much of trace
6 days ago

UselessBoi: no matter, ill go snooze so cant really explain this thing, and god knows ive been going over it here on pomf many times, uio knows it too well too xD
4 days ago

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