captialism's Chat
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2 weeks ago

cetarn: yeh, i have it, but the textures look different
2 weeks ago

cetarn: maybe its just the lighting
2 weeks ago

CoZmicDeity: The jiggle :chenlewdblush::captialismeggplant:
2 weeks ago

captialism: Yeah depends on the lighting
2 weeks ago

captialism: I have no clue where this dog could be
2 weeks ago

captialism: No npc is helping either
2 weeks ago

captialism: lets see if rolling back an autosave will help
2 weeks ago

dude7576: i am getting so hard on this
2 weeks ago

cetarn: Every crash gives me a boner
2 weeks ago

cetarn: every freeze and stutter makes my nipples hard
2 weeks ago

cetarn: Damn, what clothes are those
2 weeks ago

captialism: Which one? The one she's wearing?
2 weeks ago

PleasedGalliform: so incredibly sexy in this light.  would be fun to see her and the boy go at it for a while
2 weeks ago

FoxeriusRoshi: hi capt how are you
2 weeks ago

FoxeriusRoshi: hope she will have some fun
2 weeks ago

captialism: 3 left but I really don't want to hunt them down:MalinStare:
2 weeks ago

captialism: Yeah she had some fun earlier :OkayuPeek:
2 weeks ago

captialism: She's kinda tall :MalinStare:
2 weeks ago

PleasedGalliform: shes perfect!
2 weeks ago

PleasedGalliform: :chenlewdblush:
2 weeks ago

PleasedGalliform: wow that kid has a lot of dialog!
2 weeks ago

PleasedGalliform: how can he avoid staring at her naked body is beyond me
2 weeks ago

PleasedGalliform: aww if only that was an orgasm he was having
2 weeks ago

captialism: Can't bury him :chensleepy:
2 weeks ago

marceliny: really thought he would make it
2 weeks ago

Dorirdo: Nahh this is so fucking sad
2 weeks ago

marceliny: horse scene right after a dead
2 weeks ago

Dorirdo: This is missed up, Rest in peace 🕊️😔
2 weeks ago

captialism: That really was sad
2 weeks ago

captialism: Alright this is a good place to stop for tonight
2 weeks ago

captialism: Thanks for watching everyone!
2 weeks ago

captialism: See you all next time
2 weeks ago

captialism: :captialismElisePat:
5 days ago

GLOBAL - soggymaster: Hello folks, we would like to remind you that when you ban a user from your channel, to please use /ban username reason in your chat instead of simply right clicking the user in chat and selecting 'ban'.  Thank you
4 days ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: Heya Froggers, There have been some changes to the rules. There are more changes coming soon, please read them and pay attention to the added rules 5 and 7.
4 days ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: since people don't know where to find the rules (:chenderp: )
2 days ago

GLOBAL - Iratu:   If you are in OCE or SEA and struggling to load try this temporary domain, since there is an undersea cable cut from SEA to EU;
just now

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