TheIncredibleChris's Chat
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1 week ago

TheIncredibleChris: I seem to become sick, so I don't know about the weekend strims :cirnogasp::TheIncredibleChrisDed::kannasad:
1 week ago

GLOBAL - soggymaster: Hello folks, we would like to remind you that when you ban a user from your channel, to please use /ban username reason in your chat instead of simply right clicking the user in chat and selecting 'ban'.  Thank you
1 week ago

uncleBUTTS: :chenstumped:unaccaptable
1 week ago

uncleBUTTS: gute besserung :chenhug::TheIncredibleChrisHeart:
6 days ago

TheIncredibleChris: :TheIncredibleChrisHeart::TheIncredibleChrisDed: back to bed:chensleep:
6 days ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: Heya Froggers, There have been some changes to the rules. There are more changes coming soon, please read them and pay attention to the added rules 5 and 7.
6 days ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: since people don't know where to find the rules (:chenderp: )
5 days ago

TheIncredibleChris: :TheIncredibleChrisDed:
5 days ago

TheIncredibleChris: Perhaps there's still a minimal chance for tomorrow's stream happening but I wouldn't count on it. Today, definitely not :kannasad::TheIncredibleChrisDed:
5 days ago

uncleBUTTS: :TheIncredibleChrisHeart: dann erhol dich mal :TheIncredibleChrisDed:
5 days ago

sherrybutt: Hope you feel better soon :TheIncredibleChrisHeart:
3 days ago

GLOBAL - Iratu:   If you are in OCE or SEA and struggling to load try this temporary domain, since there is an undersea cable cut from SEA to EU;
3 days ago

TheIncredibleChris: Sorry :cirnocry:
just now

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