StrangeFriend's Chat
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1 month ago

StrangeFriend: vvorks, just have your page open
1 month ago

StrangeFriend: then people can chat.
1 month ago

StrangeFriend: <_< I swear the fear mongering over unable to read that part
1 month ago

StrangeFriend: :StrangeFriend_takeyourmeds:
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :surioanubisspin: moobie
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: I'm watching it on stream so I'll be watching at the same time as everyobe else
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: I can see the transition to a 2d background
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :momodumpy::momodumpy::momodumpy::momodumpy:
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :smugchen: Romania the best supplier
3 weeks ago

bigcheetah1: this is a movie for children, i will go watch unicorn academy
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :chenlurk: I never seen it. I heard another one was being made
3 weeks ago

bigcheetah1: haha just kidding because unicorn academy is also for children
3 weeks ago

raisedbydaddy04: He has a big head..
3 weeks ago

raisedbydaddy04: And not the good head
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: You know what they say about big heads
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :StrangeFriend_ratdance: big brains
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :chenthink2b: Realized all these movies will be removed from the internet in 20-30 years from legal streaming platforms because of the copy right music
3 weeks ago

Crazyfuck3r: Did they mimic the oval office of the white house?
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: Yeah.... Although the oval office is completely torn and replaced with every president
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :perfpeek: Megamind a race realist
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :laugh22: "You know the drill" "Not the drill" That got me
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :coffeesip: Still no clue who megamind is imitating here
3 weeks ago

Hackune: she too old anyways :chenthink:
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :chenthink2b: starting think only a couple guys were working on the city scape
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :perfthenaapeek: Custom song!
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :OkayuPeek: small detail, shot out of the butt of the robot
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :chenlurk: It's crazy how many memes used this movie
3 weeks ago

Hackune: well there was lots of incel refrences
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :chencool: Some of the Phonk edits are pretty dope
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: It's weird that it's either typical kid humor or scenes that make great phonk
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :surioanubisspin: GG gentlemen
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :chenstumped: I had no clue the movie spawned so much.
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :chenstumped: Yet was kinda bad
3 weeks ago

Hackune: all that brain and he wasted it not creating a robot loli waifu
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: :StrangeFriendbonedog: Shame, robot metroid brains but no loli cat girl waifu
3 weeks ago

Hackune: whatha gonna watch next?
3 weeks ago

StrangeFriend: That's all I had, I could dick around in asesprite or something for the rest of the night
3 weeks ago

Hackune: can you do a MoistCritiKal impression?
5 days ago

GLOBAL - soggymaster: Hello folks, we would like to remind you that when you ban a user from your channel, to please use /ban username reason in your chat instead of simply right clicking the user in chat and selecting 'ban'.  Thank you
4 days ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: Heya Froggers, There have been some changes to the rules. There are more changes coming soon, please read them and pay attention to the added rules 5 and 7.
4 days ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: since people don't know where to find the rules (:chenderp: )
2 days ago

GLOBAL - Iratu:   If you are in OCE or SEA and struggling to load try this temporary domain, since there is an undersea cable cut from SEA to EU;
just now

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