Campy's Chat
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1 month ago

GLOBAL - Sarah: Be sure you all change your passwords. Use a password generator to make a secure password if you need to. Letters Numbers and symbols.
1 month ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: you can see your clips now, long overdue but finally added. will be improved sometime but for now you can see them
3 weeks ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: Discord users be aware, the virus of people sending links to 'test a game' is going around again. don't be an idiot and click it, block that user.
3 weeks ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: If you did click such a link change your password ASAP
2 weeks ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: New feature; Setting your stream to 'Members Only' you can now set the days of how old an account must be to view your stream. + fixed a Gallery bug that caused issues with uploading :)
1 week ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: New rule addition; Sharing account information to share illegal materials off-site will result in a permanent ban. The following chat services will result in a immediate ban upon sending an ID of that service. Session, Tox and Wickr (More can be added later)
1 week ago

GLOBAL - Sarah: Rule 5 is in place for a reason. You may not share Session IDs here anymore. Sharing some other chat site for the purpose of sharing your Session ID to someone. Is the same thing as sharing it here. Cleverly circumventing rules is still a ban. Please follow the rules. I'm letting what i saw happen today go. Bans go out next time
1 day ago

GLOBAL - soggymaster: Hello folks, we would like to remind you that when you ban a user from your channel, to please use /ban username reason in your chat instead of simply right clicking the user in chat and selecting 'ban'.  Thank you
2 hours ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: Heya Froggers, There have been some changes to the rules. There are more changes coming soon, please read them and pay attention to the added rules 5 and 7.
2 hours ago

GLOBAL - Iratu: since people don't know where to find the rules (:chenderp: )
just now

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